Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Relational Aesthetics + Parafiction [assignment]

DUE THE 28th:
(you may choose to work with a partner if you
can justify blending your parafictional realities)

Relational Art + Parafiction
How will you create 'relational art' out of your parafictional image?

1. Imagine the world in which your parafictional image
(that you have already created) exists as reality.

2. Create relational art for this world.

By the 28th you need to have completed your foray into relational art.
You must have documented the occasion as a video or short book of images.
The images should create a narrative of what occurred
at your relational event.



What would be experienced as a normal social activity in the
reality you are imagining?

Can you construct a situation in which people would participate,
based on this fictional social environment?

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