Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ask yourself:
How would _________ create an unmonumental image?
How would _________ create an monumental image?

Which makes more sense?
Which is more interesting?
Why might your artist choose to do either?

Once you have determined which path to pursue, consider both your tools and your vessel.
Your tools are what you use to make the picture: methodology and content
Your vessel is how you choose to manifest your picture in physical space or real time

Make your images.
You will be graded on how well you choose your tools:
ie. does the medium/methodology fit the message-
the ideas of your artist paired with the idea of (un)monumentality

Digital camera? Lighting? Construction or built scene? Chance vs. structure? Human vs. absence of human? Series of experiments? Tiny worlds? Overwhelming scale?

Next week you bring in your images. Week two you will fashion your vessel.

how can monumentality remain interesting?
how can unmonumentality become beautiful?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Research: Critique and Reinvent


Write a critical analysis of one of your artist's works.

1. Describe the artwork. What is it?

2. Analyze the artwork - how does it fit within the artist's body of
work? Situate the artwork within art history, what preceded it and
what came after. Describe critics and audiences response to the work.

3. Criticize the artwork. Strengths, weaknesses. What does the artist
appear to be trying to do? What is the artist actually doing? Did they
succeed at what they attempted? In what ways did they succeed and in
what ways did they fail? What is the fundamental weakness of this type
of work?

You will have the rest of class to write your analysis. Please use
your time in class. Please ask questions if you need clarification.
Next week is due one typewritten page that covers ALL of the above.


Make a diagram of either:
1. The artwork itself (how is it functioning?)
2. The artists intent in making the artwork (what was the artist
attempting to do?)

Create two image sequences:
Sequence A: 3 images that articulate your diagram
Sequence B: 3 images that use your artist's ideas to approach a subject of your choosing

SUMMARY OF WHAT IS DUE: 1 written page, 1 diagram, 6 images (3 per print). Images
must be printed 3-up in accordance with their content. Consider what is the appropriate way to display them. Think of it as a simplified poster or artist's print. Include your diagram. Use a grid. Hang at the beginning of class.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Artist Research

Find 3 artists whose process you admire and who share some of your interests (list is provided or you may make an argument for someone not on the list). They must have written substantially about their process and craft. Research these three artists and write a sentence about the ideas of each. Choose the one you whose ideas most interest you and write a sentence about why you chose them. Email me your choice and your rationale - I may be able to provide you with additional info.
Go back to the library and see what is available on the artist you chose. You can also use the internet to get an idea of what is out there. This time, widen your search - exhibition catalogs can be a great resource for writing on your artist. Interviews are a great source if your artist has not authored their own essays.

HOMEWORK DUE next week:
Present the work of your artist and their ideas to the class (5-7 minutes). You must include the answers to the following questions:
1. Who were they inspired by? Who were their contemporaries?
2. What were they fighting against?
3. Why did they choose to make work?
4. What is their work about?
a. their point of view >> artist statements, interviews, essays
b. critics point of view >> art reviews, essays introducing exhibitions, collections of writings

c. Discuss what you have in common with this artist in terms of your own imagemaking process.
NOTE: do not want to hear story of their life, only their ideas >> you MUST have images/sound/text to support your representation of their ideas.
You must have at least 10 image-based examples in your presentation.
You must have at least 2 writings authored by the artist (interviews ok).
You must have at least 3 writings authored by critics.

Provide me with a typed page answering the above questions and listing your 5 sources of writing.