How would _________ create an unmonumental image?
How would _________ create an monumental image?
Which makes more sense?
Which is more interesting?
Why might your artist choose to do either?
Once you have determined which path to pursue, consider both your tools and your vessel.
Your tools are what you use to make the picture: methodology and content
Your vessel is how you choose to manifest your picture in physical space or real time
Make your images.
You will be graded on how well you choose your tools:
ie. does the medium/methodology fit the message-
the ideas of your artist paired with the idea of (un)monumentality
Digital camera? Lighting? Construction or built scene? Chance vs. structure? Human vs. absence of human? Series of experiments? Tiny worlds? Overwhelming scale?
Next week you bring in your images. Week two you will fashion your vessel.
how can monumentality remain interesting?
how can unmonumentality become beautiful?